Friday, July 06, 2007

Firsts....more than meets the eye

what better way to celebrate the first friday but to be able to hear mass, get an offer of help to train abroad and end the day with our first local date as husband and wife! it was so funny, this morning i fixed up just like i would as if i was going out on a date with a boyfriend and i was really excited the whole day.
to celebrate our 1st date, during our 2nd week as a couple, we went to watch the ever talk of the town TRANSFORMERS (more than meets the eye)! now this was not exactly planned to celebrate our 2nd weekersery but because i was sick last sunday. i was in bed the whole day snoozing waking up just to eat a piece of meat for dinner. the next day i still felt sick and stayed home. it gave me some time to tidy up our room which was still cluttered with wedding and honeymoom stuff.
which brings me to my first couple "skirmish".....
actually, this issue is really all about me. i got kind of ticked off because after our HK trip, i was back on duty the next day then the next. and all the things that were left from the wedding and trip were just as they were! even papers on the table were there! i cant imagine that my better half didnt even lift a finger to throw extra plastics, keep our papers, or any of the sort! the OC person that i am just got the better of me! even our gifts! the towels and sheets are still in the boxes not even placed in the laundry to be cleaned and used. so now were still using crummy towels and old boring sheets!
then i gosh, did my better half think it was my role to clean up?! REALLY?! when i told my married friends about it they said that most probably it was the case *frown, frown* how can i be a housewife and be a resident at the same time?! the bigger question is, how can some of my coresidents be a housewife, a resident and a mom at the same time?! boohoohoo the undomesticated me......
i think i need more time for this new responsibility to sink in.
durng these slight dips in my cloud nine state i just keep thinking about our wedding day when my better half came thru as my night and shining armor.....then im back in love again =)

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