Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Drama Queen

im such a drama queen. sometimes i catch myself and cant help but laugh at how....well how i sometimes act like such a big B as one of my friends would say.
i remember when i spur of the moment decided i wanted an O2 atom. we were window shopping and i thought to myself "hey i want that" so after much deliberation in my favorite coffee shop (where else) we went back to the store and i got in line with other people buying various phones. infront of me a girl was being given a box of O2 atom. finally my turn was up and i proudly say...."i would like an O2 atom" like ordering at an ice cream store (only the ice cream in this store was way more expensive) . can you believe they told me the girl before me got the last box?! so i left the store lips quivering, not even swayed by bribes of shopping. so we sped to this far away mall where I, finally got my O2 atom. and i had a smile on my face on my way home.
and that's why i love my piggy. he treats me like a baby like that i am. just enough pampering and (even if i hate to admit it) some discipline.
the drama queen is happy today!
till next time

Thursday, January 25, 2007

talk about mood swings

talk about mood swing, 2 blogs with 2 emotions in 1 day......

The world is a looking glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly kind companion. -- William Makepeace Thackeray

things to be happy about

im so glad im wireless again. for a couple of months i was patiently using dial up (can you believe it!) and now im wireless and unlimited again! haaay..... what a wonderful day this is!
but of course i could never be happier about anything else except my upcoming event, my walk down the aisle !
i just have so many ideas that i want to happen on our special day! i have a notebook-full of doodles.....sometimes i think i know what eistein felt when he had so many things in mind that he just have to write it down, my doodles even look like (or at least i think look like) what eistein would have written in his notebook while he was trying to figure out that E is equal to mc square! hehehe!

and im not the only happy future mister, the budding photographer he is bought himself his dream camera (so he's a little focused on the nikkon than on me today -atleast it still wedding related as evidenced by the photo insert)

just a happy bride to be

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

wedding bells

the lovely couple with their dear friends

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

good memories of 2006, better memories to come in 2007