Sunday, October 26, 2008

small talk, big issues

as we were having dinner, my dad asked me if i was done with my training and i declared that ill be done by december. the next question was obviously what i'll be doing next year. i snickered at the question because honestly, im at a loss with a real answer.

as a child i had always knew what i wanted and went after it as if obstacles were crumbs to be trampled on. i was blessed i guess.

in my early education, i was minding my own business when my school announced to my mom that i had qualified as one of the gifted ones (mwahaha! what a statement!). i could still see my mom so proud (and surprised at that!) as she got home and ran the story again and again to me how the registrar pointed it out to her. so i went along with the label and did pretty well, i survived the insignia was more like it! from then on i felt that my life was one chapter of success after another (nothing big but satisfying).

i knew what college and course i wanted to get into and got there just fine. and when college was done, i knew i wanted to go into further training and despite the hurdles, got my wish. after that, i knew i wanted to specialize and knew what field, and got into training just as well.

for the first 2 years of my training, i knew i wanted to take another step into sub specialization and as always knew what field, but then something happened.

im not quite sure what it was, but it was as if a veil was moved from my eyes and together with a clearer view came confusion.

as ive expressed to some of my friends, i have never been as confused about what to do with my life as i am now. i have always looked, puzzled, at people who did not know what they wanted to do because, before now, i was just so sure of myself. now i look at myself, puzzled.

so this is what they mean about being at the cross roads of life. call me a late bloomer...

i am definitely in a better position now than i was then (thank the heavens above!) but the question still looms, what to do, what to do?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

food treats & shopping

It was a beautiful saturday afternoon and after a very stressful morning at the office full of drama and complaints, i decided to treat myself to good pasta & wine

so with my panasonic LX3 in tow, i went to santis cafe for lunch.

I had vegetable ravioli & white argentina wine

with full view of the sunny outdoors but the convenience of AC, i ate the creamy tomato based pasta with crispy garlic bread

I topped it off with their brewed coffee which i may say, gives a kick capping my feel good lunch!

after the treat i had enough time to go to the rockwell urban bazaar where i knocked myself out!

the first stall i looked for was obra where i previously got my hand painted blouse. i picked out 2 dresses which unfortunately didnt fit well so i had to forgo my splurge. i did however realize my fashion staple...structured dresses. and can i just brag, im now back to being a size S!!

from be

from wheat
this dress is just awesome, it was as if it was made for me! the fit was perfect! that's why even when i was down to my last expendable cent, i just had to buy it! i love the color and texture and the details are unique, especially the neckline.

to my delight they packaged their products in reusable bags! whoohoo!

i was also able to find a nice wrap gray silver dress good enough for our good friends LL and RL's wedding in january.

and since im in a jewelry phase, i chanced upon a silver jewelry stall from baguio which had awesome pieces. i chose a more conservative pair of earrings which several other shoppers liked as well.


i then went to get my feet pampered but because salsa salon was too busy i had to buy time while waiting for my turn. i decided to try out the much talked about lulubelle

it was pretty good! i was debating whether to get a sorbet or a frozen yogurt but the strawberry flavored yogurt eventually won.

what do you have to say about yourself mrs delinquent shopper?!

......all's well that ends well!

Friday, October 24, 2008

guess who's in town

i was so surprised when i found out. not that it's impossible, but just that my favorite food critic in manila?! i cannot be more excited. if only i would bump into him during my saturday adventures... *shriek!*
would anyone know where he is staying?!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

a singer at heart

i must have been a singer in another lifetime, except that i seem to have just brought my penchant for music to the present day and forgot my singing skills in my past life.

these were the thoughts going through my mind as i listened to the neighbor having a karaoke party and sang along to every song with the absence of the monitor laden lyrics. i do love to sing but unfortunately singing is not entirely fond of me. i had asked a number of times from my hubby a magic sing microphone as a gift but he stood his ground (did not want to be doomed to hear my off key voice for eternity). i had also several times thought of buying one for myself but it just costs too much for a whim.

and as i was doing my daily meanderings last night, i chanced upon this site that promised free karaoke songs. with heart fluttering i clicked on it and scoured through the site's pages. lo and behold, i could download the songs (and there are tons!) and sing to my hearts delight!!! and so the singer stayed up until almost 2am quietly, but contently, singing.

......let me see, what do i want to sing this morning?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

a shop-aholic's day out

i had a great day today!

first of all i was able to acquire the limited edition amorsolo shopping bags (with an s, take note!)

then i satisfied my craving from my favorite vegan restaurant

and got to do some kikay shopping on the side...

what else could you ask for?!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Singapore pictures

today is the day....

hubby uploaded pictures of our trip and i just couldnt wait to post them in my previous blog entries!

feast your eyes and enjoy!

click click!

lets support filipino ingeniuty

and save planet earth!

Monday, October 06, 2008

amateur photographer

my hubby has always wanted me to take up his hobby of photography but i always preferred to be at the other end of the camera. however since we needed a handy dandy camera when we go out to eat at our new discoveries, he bought me the new member of our gadgets, the LX3. let me show you the first picture i took with my camera

hubby encouragingly said "nice shot baby!" hehehe!

but in reality i like his shots so much better...
let me show you 2 pictures to compare our shots

guess which shot is mine!!! hehehe!

Sunday, October 05, 2008


it has been 4 days since we left the merlion and 3 days since hubby left for the land of the free...
i woke up this morning squished between two pillows, snuggled under woolen covers after having a nightmare. it was not scary in any particular way but my dream left me sad, scared, and everything in between. must be the hormones.

our trip to singapore was great. too great that i was so sad to leave. for 6 whole days i felt totally detached from what i am and i loved it. i felt i could stay there forever. and so now, back to what i thought i wanted to do, i am at a loss. 3 more months and im a free man but then what? pursue a more specialized career or be mediocre? ive never felt so undecided in my life!

thank goodness for phone calls and new gadgets......

now, those are reasons to smile!!

what do you do when you get the blues?