Thursday, January 25, 2007

things to be happy about

im so glad im wireless again. for a couple of months i was patiently using dial up (can you believe it!) and now im wireless and unlimited again! haaay..... what a wonderful day this is!
but of course i could never be happier about anything else except my upcoming event, my walk down the aisle !
i just have so many ideas that i want to happen on our special day! i have a notebook-full of doodles.....sometimes i think i know what eistein felt when he had so many things in mind that he just have to write it down, my doodles even look like (or at least i think look like) what eistein would have written in his notebook while he was trying to figure out that E is equal to mc square! hehehe!

and im not the only happy future mister, the budding photographer he is bought himself his dream camera (so he's a little focused on the nikkon than on me today -atleast it still wedding related as evidenced by the photo insert)

just a happy bride to be

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